Women Can Abuse Too

It's true women can also abuse men. People think it's just men who abuse when it's not always them. People think that men only abuse because they are looked at as the stronger person. Women can also abuse by saying rude things and actually hitting them. Hitting you partner is very common. People tend to think only men abuse because women tend to think that they can play victim. They get away with playing vicim because they are looked at as the weak one. In somethings it is sad that women are looked at as weak, or that they can't do what a man can do. But, when proven that a woman is the actual person that is abusing they will possible get in a lot less trouble than men. That is because it's less likely that a women abuse a man than a man abuse a women. It's still not ok to abuse your partner even if your sick or need help just please do not result to beating your partner.

A women can do anything a man can do if not more. A ton of people always think that it's just men who abuse when it's not.

Men won't fight back because they know it is wrong after a women beats a man because they know they should never treat a women like that. Of the 2,340 deaths at the hands of intimate partners in America in 2007, female victims made up 70%. FBI data from the mid-1970s to mid-1980s found that for every 100 husbands who killed their wives in the United States, about 75 women killed their husbands.